Πέμπτη 7 Ιουνίου 2007

Contemporary tales

Once upon a time there was a young man. That man was leading a usual life ... He had a family, friends, a pet, a computer and all the things normal people have. He thought he had everything he needed for being happy. One day while he was at work, he remembered that he forgot to go at the cafe and buy some cofee. So he decided to do it at that moment despite the yelling of his boss. The man was waiting impatiently at the queue thinking of his boss' shouting at him for his delay. When he reached the top of the queue he saw a beautiful girl at the position of the cashier. Her eyes were like summer breeze and her hair like silk falls. He subconsciouly smiled at her without knowing the reason... he was just feeling a profound hapiness... The girl smiled back at him and the world just stopped moving for a second.
The complaints of the man behind him at the queue interrupted his daydreaming and he left after dropping a last glance at the girl. During the passing of the days the boy and the girl got to know well each other... they even went on a date... The young man felt for the first time in his life that he was complete. One day the girl told him she had to go away, back to her family and the place where she belonged to. The young man could do nothing to prevent it so he thought "This is life... No one can have it all... live the moment and prison it in your memory". So the girl finally left in a dark night and the man just moved on with the memories soothing his sorrow.

His hapiness was complete no more

4 σχόλια:

VARONOS είπε...
Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από έναν διαχειριστή ιστολογίου.
VARONOS είπε...


giati sbhneis posts???????


ninemos είπε...

Γιατί όχι? Δικό μου δεν είναι το blog? LOL! Έλα ρε περαματιζόμουν και σε αυτά τα πλαίσια έσβησα και το πιο άχρηστο comment(χωρίς παρεξήγηση, ήθελα να δω αν μπορώ να επαναφέρω ένα comment μετά την διαγραφή του). Κι έσβησα και κάτι ασυναρτησίες στο τελευταίο post από έναν anonymous. Πλέον μπορούν να κάνουν comments μόνο οι registered όπως εσύ καλή ώρα

ninemos είπε...

Και κάτι που ήθελα να σου πω και το ξέχασα. Γράψε κι εσύ τίποτα στο blog
σου... Μην το έχεις και κάθεται!!!